Natural Remedies for Constipation and Lemon Juice

17/04/2014 15:04

Natural Remedies for Constipation and Lemon Juice
Constipation is a general problem among people. It is very uncomfortable. There is nothing that can describe the feeling of having another being inside you, moving and communicating with you. Constipation is difficulty with irregular bowel movements, or passing hard and dry stool.The cause of each of these "types" of constipation probably is different, and the approach to each should be tailored to the specific type of constipation.It usually results from food moving too slowly through the digestive system. Nowadays, various treatments can help to ease the symptoms of constipation and promote a healthy digestive system. At the same time, people always prefer to natural remedies for constipation.

Lemons are one of the most versatile and nutritious fruits available today. It is a plant. Its juice, fruit and peel are used to make medicine. Lemon also is used as a food and favoring ingredient in foods. Rub the peel of a lemon on dry or scaly skin to restore softness and add moisture to the skin.Honey and lemon face pack can also help to treat acne and pimples.If you're having trouble pooping, warm water and lemon might be just the thing to help you go. Lemon juice has many health benefits in daily life:

●   Mixing lemon juice with honey can help alleviate the discomfort that comes from a nasty sore throat.

●    When your temperature goes up, drinking a lemon juice mixture can help bring your fever down faster.

●    Lemon juice encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that required for digestion.

●   The vitamin C component helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes.

●   Lemon juice is a marvellous drink for people who are suffering from an upset stomach.

●    The juice freshen your breath in addition to providing relief from gingivitis and tooth pain.

●    Drinking only one glass of lemon juice daily might help build a strong immune system to help keep you healthier.

●   The cleansing properties of lemon juice for skin make it an ideal beauty product.

●    Lemon juice acts as an alkalizing food despite being acidic.

Certainly, there are many health benefits of lemon juice, it’s a natural gifts from nature.